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  • Writer's pictureAnel Behric

NovuMind Hybrid EDA Transformation

CloudWerx was engaged to design and implement a GCP PoC with performance and configuration in mind to balance performance, efficiency, security and cost.

The Customer

NovuMind helps companies leverage the power of AI in their products and services. Their NovuTensor chip is an industry breakthrough – designed to enhance business functions by “making things think.” They offer a wide range of deep learning tools to help apply NovuTensor in a multitude of operations, allowing businesses to optimize for AI computation.

The Challenge

NovuMind had only on-premises systems which required months to provision new users or products. NovuMind had no prior GCP experience and was working under extreme time constraints (July- August) to complete the PoC before their EDA tools license expiration. They were ramping up, requiring them to expand their environment quickly, with a globally dispersed team and only a single Systems Engineer for their entire infrastructure.

CloudWerx Solution

CloudWerx delivered a custom solution to create, deploy, and [eventually] destroy a 'CloudPC' experience for the globally-dispersed engineers. This solution increased security, lowered infrastructure costs, and improved the user onboarding experience. Within the CloudPC, Cloudwerx created a mechanism to allow users to install software packages without compromising security or system stability.


Cloudwerx created a Custom ‘Cloud PC’ Experience for NovuMind Engineers and Administrators.

Features of Engineer Experience:

  • Each engineer is assigned a Cloud PC with persistent storage

  • Through this, they can access NovuMind assets, IP and Synopsys tooling

  • Access is available via Nomachine client or web browser

Features of Admin Experience:

  • Easily able to create new Cloud PCs

  • Ability to use commands to update all Cloud PCs at once

  • Simple scripts to destroy old Cloud PCs to free up resources and archive data.

CloudWerx provided a detailed Optimization Report, giving NovuMind a snapshot of their baseline, and then a “Project Recap,” highlighting how CloudWerx improved performance, reduced staff workload, optimized the environment, secured the environment, and other notable impacts.

Key Results

  • System deployment time decreased from months to ~30 minutes while significantly improving user experience and enhancing information security for the client.

Read more about EDA in the Cloud at


Ready for an EDA Transformation?

CloudWerx specializes in these types EDA Transformations. If you feel this type of service would benefit your business and team learn more about us & get in touch here or call (206) 999-3517

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