The Importance of Cybersecurity
We help businesses build lasting trust and stand out from competitors when it comes to cloud security
Recent data indicated that hackers attack a computer every 39 seconds and cybercrime damages are estimated at $6 trillion in 2021. In today’s world, most organizations use some kind of cloud storage in their day to day operations. The more stored data and apps in the cloud, the higher the risk of exposure to increasingly adept cyber threats. Thus, cutting edge cybersecurity is absolutely critical to protect a business, its data and its customers information. As a company hosting data and business content such as orders, financial records, personal information, logins, or social security numbers, it’s critical to have the best security available to encourage confidence in those customers who trust you with their personal information. Being the target of a successful hack can severely harm your image as a company and make your services extremely undesirable because of the potential risk of another attack. The flip side being, if you can offer your consumers exceptional security for all their cloud-based assets, you set yourself apart from the competition. CloudWerx is ready and willing to work with your company and assign top industry professionals to ensure your cloud security is cutting-edge and trustworthy. We’re committed to, not only employing the best security infrastructure for each of our clients, but working to give clients the statistics and marketing resources to advertise their security advantage to their prospective customers. CloudWerx will provide the marketing materials needed to convey the strength and reliability of your cybersecurity system, and provide your customers the insurance and confidence they need to choose you over your competitors. With so much at stake, choose CloudWerx to assist you as you build an infallible infrastructure of cyber and cloud security for your business.
Interested in our Cybersecurity Services? We can’t wait to learn more about it. Contact us via our website or call (206) 999-3517.
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